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Bought this game a few days ago, I've gotten most of the true/normal endings except for Marco and Shirr's. No matter what I try Shirr's always ends up bad ending a, no matter the choices. I've tried everything... :< it is very frustrating.

That said, I do like this game a lot. It is very well thought out, although I haven't been able to unlock every character. I love the concept as well. Mystery, romance with magic are always fun. The art is solid and the back grounds are great. The characters are believable as well and not flat like some characters in visual novels have been in the past. Soulset is a great visual novel.

Marco's and Shirr's routes are a bit tricky. ;3 Near the end of Shirr's route, try going to the library and then going back upstairs again.

Also, acting upon the feedback I've received, I decided to add a "Clue Chart" to the newest build of the game. It will show you which clues you managed to find (and which you didn't) in a character's route the moment you trigger a single bad ending for that character. You will find this chart in the Quick Menu of the game (right in-between the "Load" and "Settings" buttons). Once you get stuck, the chart should give you some kind of idea what routes to explore in order to advance further. I hope this little addition will help you out!

I'm happy to hear that you're enjoying the game so far! Thank you for the wonderful feedback! I hope you'll enjoy the rest of the routes as well, once you manage to unlock them! :)

Review: Best thing I've ever played

Pros: Best thing ever

Cons: ALL OF THE OPTIONS GIVE YOU THE KING dammit, duped again by the stalker king card

Summary: Play this if it even remotely interests you. As a mystery fan (read: nerd) I had a lot of fun with this. Looking forward to playing this again on steam for those hot hot achievements. Great game!

'All of the options give you the king'.... do they, now :) Happy to hear you enjoyed the game.

Thank you for the wonderful feedback! I'm happy to hear that you've enjoyed the game! :) (We're all waiting for those achievements!)

I loved the demo! As soon as the game released on Steam, I plan to buy the full version.

Thanks! We'd love to have you on-board once the time comes! :)

Looks good. I'm gonna try when the game launch on Steam.

Thanks! We'd love to have you on-board once the time comes! :)

Studying for Finals vs Soul Set: Soul Set: 1 Finals: 0. I used my Saturday to tear through the game rather than bone up on Pascal's Wager but it worked out in the end! Not to spoil anything but that Secret End made all my dreams come true. <3

Haha! Thank you for the feedback, I'm glad you enjoyed the game and that everything worked out well in the end. :) I'm also very happy to hear that you enjoyed the Secret End! ;3

(1 edit)

So, I wanted to let you know that I bought the game yesterday. Yay! It's finally out~

I was able to finally complete all the true endings after a lot of going back and forth. I picked Marco when I first played and was so confused when I kept getting a bad ending and couldn't find all the red clues, not realizing that his was meant to be finished or unlocked last...

I liked that addition to the game though, that you had to unlock a few characters. Let me tell you, it was worth working for! I was not expecting the mindflips, especially after gathering the last clue. After that I was terrified and was even questioning whether I wanted to play that route anymore... :{

Well I was too tempted, so I did anyway. It wasn't what I expected, thank you so much for that. I knew he'd be my favorite, and he totally was. :D

It kinda reminded me of "Nameless ~The one thing you must recall~" in his route. I won't say why since that would spoil both games, but at the same time it does its own thing and is very different obviously.

All in all, I really loved this game. (It's my new favorite :3)

The art was amazing. Some of those backgrounds almost had my mouth wide open they were so magnificent~

And I already said that they writing was messing with my mind sometimes. It was very well written and put together. I don't really have anything critical to say since you fixed the only grammatical mistake that I saw...sorry? :P

I still have CGs and some of the various endings to collect, but I got most of them. I also unlocked the hidden character, who I wasn't expecting. I thought it was going to be someone else. But, it's all good. We can only theorize about that stuff.

To everyone involved, great job! And thank you very much! :)

I'm happy to hear that you enjoyed the game! Thank you for taking the time to leave us such wonderful feedback! :)

I'm also glad to hear that the mindflips I planned seemed to work like I wanted them to. :D Ohohoho~

I haven't played Nameless yet, but it's one of the games on my wishlist. Now you have me intrigued, I'll definitely need to check it out sometime.

Again, thank you for playing and sharing your thoughts! You comment made me really happy! ^^

OMG please help me! I have managed to get through all of Apris routes done, including the t/n ones. I've cycles though all the others like 3 times and I am not getting further. I have the bad easy ends and that's it 10 of 20 endings. After Apris who is next and whatsee the order? I have 4/5 red 5/6 green1/2silver 1/2 orange.

Could you bring up the clue chart and tell me which clues in what routes are you missing, specifically?

Actually I figured it out. SOrry. But I am now stuck on Shira's route. I have all the clues except one green and one red. The ones needed for Marco and Feathors routes. Anyway, I am stuck on the poem page name collection. No matter which one I pick, other than the APRIS one, which just tells you DUH lol, I get Bad end B. Even the one I am pretty sure is the right one. ALL options lead to ending B. So I cannot go further in the game. Am I missing something. Routes finished is Apris, Yvonne, Shirr.

Just a quick note!

We've just released a tiny patch
, fixing a jarring grammatical error which appeared throughout the game (a big thank you for one of our Backers for pointing it out!) If you've already downloaded the build, please simply re-download it. All current save files should work with this new release.

We're sorry for the inconvenience!

I bought it as I promised (fellow Pole here), though you might want to know that the full version seems to be not downloadable by client. When clicking install it gives me a prompt to either download prologue (which has file size next to it) or 1.01-all which doesn't have anything next to it. Choosing to install 1.01-all ends download after ~1 second. The only way to download full version atm is directly on web from which has a bandwith quota (had to make an account to download it). You'd probably want to look into it, it's probably an error on's side.

Here's a screenshot from the prompt.

Thank you for your support, it means a lot to us! :)

We are aware of the issue and have requested a storage space extension from We'll upload the game directly to site as soon as it is possible to do so.

(1 edit)

Demo had me hooked despite never playing VN before. Now though, I think I encountered another bug, unless it's a designated dead-end, because I'm at the fireplace decyphering the poem (about grumpiest name and whatnot), and after chosing what I assume is correct initial name (since I tried selecting others later, but they ended the scene prematurely), I'm asked to choose the altered name. Problem is, no matter what name I choose, the game ends with Shira Bad End 2. I tried all of them and all result in the same ending (the ending art comes after "Did I choose right?" or something like that) and thus I'm unable to continue the game. Am I right to assume it's a bug?

We're happy to hear that! :)

As for the poem... It's actually not a bug! You'll need to figure out the place where that information is needed, first, for the game to tell you whether you got the name right or not. If you got it right, the game will still remember that you got it right, though, and you'll be able to use that information elsewhere once you'll need it.

The clues you gather simply don't show up in the ending screens unless you know what kinds of clues you need to look for in the first place!

(1 edit)

Hm. I'm still a bit confused, but I'll work it out. I took another Shira route in the meantime and boy, I had no idea what I was getting yself into T_T.


It's finally December~

I had to create this account just to tell you that I look forward to whenever the game gets released. The game looks very well made from what I've seen in the demo. I can't wait to find out more about the story too.

Good luck and thank you for your efforts! ^^

Time flies so fast! But yes, we'll be doing our best to release it before holidays come, so please look forward to it. :) I'm happy to hear that you enjoyed the demo, thank you for playing! And thank you for going through the effort, we appreciate it! ^^ It's always great to hear what the players think!

- Nayru

just finished the demo, it definitely grabs your attention and the way it ends and the story it's telling really makes you wanna play more, i like the characters and the potential they all have, looking forward to december or whenever its release is. Glad to have come across this VN :)

Thank you for playing, I'm happy to hear that you enjoyed it! ^^ We'll be doing our best to release it before holidays come, so please look forward to it. :) Glad to have you with us!

- Nayru

The game looks amazing! I played the demo and I can't wait for the full version. btw when is the full version coming out? Can't wait for it.

Thank you for playing, I'm glad you liked it! ^^

We're currently finishing the game and getting the necessary paperwork done. We're planning to release it around the end of November/early December.

- Nayru

And the last video, finishing out the demo, Can;t wait for the full game!

Thank you for playing!

Here's the second video from the playthrough! Loving the story and mystery. Also, sorry for the dumb name I gave her. Lol.

Thank you for playing, I'm glad you're enjoying the demo so far! Miss Ponytale McGee will stay forever in our hearts! ;)

- Nayru

Just finished playing this demo, and I must say I love it! The art is gorgeous and even if it isn't original, the music suits the mood very well. And of course... the story! The concept is so awesome! I just can't wait to know more about it!

I'm wondering if the last romance option to be revealed will be Isshin somehow - it would be great!

To be honest, the ending of the demo was a bit frustrating. I understand you'd end it there, since I guess the branching begins at that point, but still... I'm genuinely curious about how the card thing plays itself. Do you always get the best result and choose first, or do you actually pick any card and can be chosen by whoever likes you most for example. I'm almost more curious about the mechanics of this part than anything else right now haha!

As for now, I think Isshin is my favorite character, even with such a short screen time (if I can even call that "screen" time since you can't actually see him on screen!). As for the revealed romance options, I like Marco the most.

Thank you for playing! I'm happy to hear that you enjoyed the demo! ^^

Sadly, I can't say anything about the 7th romance option nor about the card drawing sequence since both of those things are spoiler territory. The full version of the game will hold an answer those questions.

I'm also happy to hear that Isshin and Marco got to your liking! ^^ I put a lot of thought into the story and the characters themselves, so I'm always flattered to hear such kind words regarding either.

- Nayru

Haha, don't worry, even if I say I'd love to know about the cards or the last romance, I don't want to be spoiled either - the wait will make the the moment I'll discover it even sweeter, once the game will be out!

In the meantime, I'll probably replay the demo and try other answers!

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